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Wintery Nutty Fingers
Wintery Nutty Fingers Wintery Nutty Fingers Image

Wintery nutty fingers

These crunchy nut-filled cookies that feature a touch of vanilla are baked to perfection and rolled in powdered sugar. Try the recipe today!
Perfect Pie Crust
Perfect Pie Crust Pie Crust

Perfect pie crust

Do you have trouble making pie crust? Try our Perfect Pie Crust recipe and get it right every time!
Vanilla Pancakes
Vanilla Pancakes Pancakes

Vanilla pancakes

This classic breakfast dish is best when using Happy Home Imitation Clear Vanilla. Try our recipe today and see why it stands out!
Vanilla Bean Butter Cookies
Vanilla Bean Butter Cookies Vanilla Bean Butter Cookies

Vanilla bean butter cookies

Our Vanilla Bean Butter Cookies are the perfect mix of soft and chewy in the middle with a crunchy exterior. Make them today!
Southern Flavoring Pound Cake
Southern Flavoring Pound Cake Southern Flavoring Pound Cake

Southern flavoring pound cake

Our delicious classic Pound Cake recipe features our Pure Vanilla Extract, Natural Almond Extract, Natural Lemon Flavor, Imitation Coconut Flavor, and Imitation Butter-Nut Flavor. It doesn't get better than that!
Vanilla Apple Pie
Vanilla Apple Pie Vanilla Apple Pie

Vanilla apple pie

This recipe features a delicious blend of Fuji apples infused with vanilla and almost extracts, nestled in a flaky, homemade pie crust. This recipe is sweet and comforting.

Our Baking Community

Great recipes are meant to be shared! Post yours to
social media and tag @southernflavoring for a
chance to win free swag. Favorite recipes will be
featured on our website and social media.